Sunday 5 January 2014

A New Year

This is how I felt as 2013 came to a close:

It was a bit of a brutal year.  Lots of stuff happened, usually all at once.  I think I was dealing with drama from three sources for most of the summer.  But I did a lot of personal growth, reflection and now thankfully, feel refreshed and ready for some new adventures.

I'm going to work hard this year.  Hard on the things I want to improve.  I want to improve my art, I want to get into better writing habits, and I want to get stronger and fitter.  I'm going to save up and enroll in an online creative writing course when I get the chance, and finally get those stories written!  (They are progressing extremely slowly).

I've decided to draw every day (need to get better at that), and as I mentioned last time, every week has a theme.  (This week: feet).

I'm doing Yoga almost every day, which is super fun!  I feel much more relaxed and already much more flexible.  It's a great way to unwind after work and leaves me ready to work!  (I just need to put in some work before I turn on my xbox... Cause right now that's getting far more attention than anything else, whoops).

I realized too during this week that I think I went through a bit of a depression phase.  I was frustrated, angry and felt like I was getting no where in the aspects of life I actually want to do.  I was fed up and didn't want to ride (or compete, shocking) and wanted to drop everything and start over.

I think I just needed some time to myself, which I got over the holidays and now I'm back and enjoying what I love!  Which is riding my pony!  (When snow is not flying off the roof or it's -30C outside).  I'm also just grabbing my pencils and letting myself draw whatever I feel instead of being so overly focused with things being "perfect".  Art is about self expression and I think I forgot that in my pursuit of improving my anatomy.  (I still want to, but I need to let myself have fun and experiment).

Basically, this year I've decided to put in the work necessary to achieve what I want.  If it requires schedules, hiding the remotes to my consoles, or whatever I'll do it!  No more doing nothing and whining about not having accomplished anything.

I'd say bring it on 2014, but I think I said that last year and yikes.  So let's just say:  I'll make the best of it!