Sunday 29 December 2013

Buckling Down

I tend to be a bit on the lazy side with things I want to do, goals I have, and it's been slowly sinking in that if it's something I really want to do, then I need to actually do what I can to make it happen.

Instead of saying how much I want it to happen and then just never doing it.

So, I've started myself on a drawing boot camp.  Every week will have a theme and I'll sketch only that for a week.

This week I'm sketching hands.  Next week I'll sketch feet, then heads, etc.  I'll start with the things I feel are my weak points, and then progress to other things.  Cause everything can be improved.

I want to be confident enough with various body parts and poses to be able to draw more things from my mind instead of hunting for references.  I want my sketches to be that much more free and confident, so that's why I'm going to sketch until it's second nature.


Day One!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Religion is Not a Pre-requisite to Happiness

Because everyone has their own path through life.  For some, they feel happiness in believe in a higher power, going to church, serving others through their religion (cause Atheists help people too), etc.  But it kind of sets my teeth on edge when people go on and on about how other people need Jesus (or whatever else people may invite you to believe) in their life.  I quietly bite my tongue and move on.  Especially when it's on Facebook because we all have to right to post whatever we choose to social media.

But my tongue's getting kind of sore, so I'm going to use my own little pocket of the internet to share my thoughts on the matter.

I find it ironic, what my life's journey has been like in terms of religion.  When I was a kid I did go to church with my family.  We went to the United Church.  I don't specifically remember believing, but I don't think I disbelieved either.  Eventually we stopped going (yay hockey!!) and over time I dropped (if I ever had it) christianity and became eclectic.  I say eclectic cause I have absolutely no idea how to describe my beliefs because they varied often.  I did really love mythology too, and liked to think that maybe they had it right.  I also dabbled in Wicca for a bit.

Then one day, my brother and sister in law and I watched the Secret.  Learned a lot about the universe and how I can affect it.  So, was there actually any form of God?  If a human like me could have that much power in my own life?  (And it does work).

Anywhoo long story short joined the Mormon church, happy for the first 2, miserable for the remainder till I leaved and ta-da!  Happy again!!

I'd say I've come full circle.  But not quite.  Because now I've come to realize that I'm an Atheist.  I don't believe in god.  If Jesus was real he was just a man.  Albeit a very good one, but still just a man.  But what I do believe in is universe.  What do I mean by that?  I mean that I  believe that I am a part of the universe and because of that, I have to power to affect it.  I have the power to choose my life and how I will live it.  I can even, to a certain extent, choose what will happen to me.  Not everything is directly in my control, since sometimes things things happen.  But I'm not at the mercy of the whims of a god that has less maturity than a four year old.  (Read the bible carefully).

So, for me in my life.  I don't need religion.  I don't want religion.  I am in control of my own life.  My consequences are my responsibility.  I act faster than I did as a mormon cause I don't bother to pray first.  I act first.  And things actually get done faster because of it.

I don't want to diss praying because I know it can be a huge comfort to people.

But for me it just caused me to fret and do nothing.  Whereas now I've chosen to take my life into my own hands so I have to act accordingly.

And if there is a god.  Wouldn't he/she/it/they/etc, be pleased that I'm using the intelligence, power, confidence, etc. that I've gained through life to make it my own?  Isn't that the goal of all parents?  To teach their kids the best they can and hope they live a fulfilling and happy life?  Regardless of how they do it?  (Well, short of living a life of crime that is).

I don't need a book, or a god, or a preacher to tell me my morals.  I have morals that I've gained through experience, and the example of my parents, brother, and people I've encountered in life.  From books and movies, games, art, etc.  There's a wealth of knowledge to be learned through history.

The world is progressing so fast, science has come such a long way.  And the more that is explained, the less of a need there is for God.

Because, really.  Isn't religion the modern day Mythology?  A way to explain the unexplainable?